Promotional Support

We provide a series of promotional banner logos which you may use to create hyperlinks on your website, newsletters communications material. See our ‘Get set up' page for clear instructions for setting this up.
Our promotional banners / logos are sent to you upon becoming an affiliate. These logos, are embedded into your material and website with your unique trackable affiliate link. If our range of logos is not suitable for your website or materials, we are open to discussion on development of alternative elements (shape, size).

SEMS brand identity must be consistent and protected, however you are encouraged to develop your own tailored messages. We do ask to review and approve anything that is developed that is significantly different than the materials we already provide.

We additionally provide a downloadable PDF that can have your unique affiliate code/URL links, your logo and contact information embedded within it. You may wish to set up an intermediary page on your website. We recommend this is where links on the promotional PDF would point to. If this is not something you would like to add to your own site, the logos and branded collateral can point directly to our SEMS Tool Kit website.

As case studies and media, stories and great examples of SEMS in action become available, we will also share those with our affiliate community.

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