Affiliate Options

Linking Affiliate

This is where you simply host a link, text and or a logo on your website (maybe multiple pages) or embedded into your communications. The unique affiliate code is used as the ‘hyperlink’ and any sales that occur from ‘click throughs’ are tracked and allocated to your affiliate account.

Marketing Affiliate

You can be more active than just hosting the link, by doing intentional marketing, publicity, industry engagement and other outreach in your industry sector, region, or to your existing clients and networks. We provide you a range of communications materials that can embed your own logo.

+Audit Affiliate

We anticipate that many of the organizations wishing to be Marketing Affiliates may also have within their teams the skills and competencies to be Auditors. Audits of events sold by you and tracked back to your affiliate link, will be by default assigned to you to audit, if no conflict exists. Read more about requirements to become an auditor here.

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